When you order a website, there are two well-known cost types that you have to consider and prepare your budget for them.
One-time web design costs:
Including Graphic design, content writing, template installation and setup and data entry fees. You just need to pay once for these kind of services and until you pay for your domain and hosting renewal the website we designed for you, stays live.
We do not charge you again, unless you ask us to provide a major modification or website upgrade.
Yearly Based Cost:
The website domain address must be renewed in a yearly basis. Based on the type of the domain, the renewal fee will be between CAD 14-24. You can renew your domain for longer periods such as two or three years basis.
The hosting renewal fees are also part of the website design cost which must be considered by the website owner. The cost of renewal depends on the company and hosting package facilities.
Third party plugin, template, CRM, Online Chat and other products may have their own membership and licensing cost that you also must consider.
Website Design Cost In A Brief
Including domain renewal, hosting renewal, third party licensing renewal s. You have to pay for such services annually and if you stop your payment, you may face with service suspension or service discontinue via service provider.
As a web design company in Toronto, We are not involved in these payments and do not receive any benefit from, but will provide you with all details to make sure you can take care of your annual payments.
How Can I Avoid Yearly Basis Website Design Cost?
You cannot avoid such cost but you can optimize it. Finding the right service provider and choosing the right service package can help you to reduce the renewal or yearly memberships. We will be happy to help you about.
Can I switch to a Free hosting to reduce cost?
We do not suggest FREE hosting services as a solution for reducing the hosting cost. The side effects and technical limitations will have higher business loss than the value that your are trying to save.
What are the payment options?
Almost all hosting and other website related service providers accept credit card and PayPal payments and all required payments must be done via online platforms.
How Can We Help?
At Zarban, We provide affordable and cost effective website design services across Markham Ontario and York Region.
We also provide search engine optimization and maintenance service for previously designed business or personal websites.
We not only try to design a high quality and eye-catching website for your business but also try to select the right and the most cost effective website related service providers for you. This can make you sure that you pay for what you need.