Content management systems also known as CMS are widely used in almost every website design project. The following guidelines can give you a better insight on how to select the right CMS for your business website.
1- CMS Cost & Licensing:
From the cost point of view, Linux based content management systems can be employed and developed with a lower cost while Windows Based CMS systems cost more. This is mostly due to licensing costs of Linux & Windows technologies.
2- CMS User Experience:
Users with basic technical knowledge believe that working with WordPress and Joomla is easier. Advanced users prefer to work with DotNetNuke or PrestaShop. The website designer company can resolve this problem by providing your staff with required training or workshops.
3- Development Cost:
Development cost for all well-known content management systems is almost the same. There are a wide range of online developer communities in almost every country and enough development resources are also available on Internet.
4- Security:
Security of content management systems is a major concern for almost every business. A bug or programming weakness can cause terrible security or data leak problem. There is a simple rule to keep Windows or Linux Based CMS systems secure. Always keep them up-to-date and disable any module or plugin which is not used or should not be used by public.
You can leave the selection of Content Management System of your business or personal website to your website developer.As your staff maybe involved in website maintenance or content generation procedures, you can ask the website developer company to provide required training or workshop for them.
By following some Website safety procedures and keep the components up-to-date, you can make sure that your website will work as expected.
Your website designer company or your web developer has a lot of competitors in the field. These competitors will most probably approach you and claim that the system used for your website design is old, not popular and is unable to provide some services. Be aware of this unethical claim!
“A professional web developer which is an established and experienced website design company has all the required skills and knowledge to work with any one of the above mentioned CMS systems and deliver the most successful work."
A brief about available CMS systems:
Professional website designers employ Linux Based or Windows Based hosting technologies to finalized website projects. These technologies are the most well-known in the field and each has its own compatible CMS systems.
In Linux Based environments, WordPress, Joomla and PrestaShop are widely used. DotNetNuke is an ASP.Net developed CMS system which is very popular on Windows Based environments.
Linux based and Windows based CMS systems are competitors. They are widely used products which all provide similar required functionalities. In some cases it is required to purchase an add-on plugin.
Choosing a CMS for your website totally depends on the technical and programming knowledge of your web designer specialist and you rarely will be involved in technical matters.